Today’s Bible Boost comes from the Old Testament. Exodus 14:13 and 14… “But Moses told the people, ‘don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord RESCUE you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” What an encouragement for each of us.
We have all heard so much talk from the president and congress on government bailouts, and stimulus financial plans. We have heard that the government is coming to the rescue to bail out financial institutions, car makers, and even some of us with a small increase in the old pay check. We have candidates who have already started their campaign speeches telling us that their plan will be to rescue us from a bloated and over stretched government intervention. Plus we have seen where our government has come to the rescue of other countries who are suffering under dictatorships.
However, as we have seen from our bible boost for today that God specializes in the rescue business. In Exodus, we read where God rescued His people from the Egyptians, Exodus 14; rescued his people from thirst, Exodus 15; rescued them from hunger, Exodus 16; from thirst again in Exodus 17 and rescued them from their enemies, also in Exodus 17. WOW! What a faith building study for our own personal journeys. We see where when Israel called out to God, He came to the rescue.
I don’t know your about journey, but I suspect you are much like me. We all face daily “situations” where we find ourselves in over our heads. Maybe it’s a financial situation or a marital situation or an overwhelming situation at work. We don’t know where to turn or how to overcome the situation. Maybe it is a habit that has its claws buried deep into our spiritual walk. Maybe it’s a sin, a circumstance, or deep spiritual struggle. I venture to say that we each have these situations.
So, what does the Bible say about such difficult situations. Well friends, we can learn tremendous lessons from how God came to the RESCUE for the children of Israel. Over and over these Israelites called out to God for help. And time after time God responded to rescue them. Whether they were thirsty, overcome with hunger, surrounded by the enemy, when they called out to God HE RESCUED THEM.
So, my friend, whether you are caught in a habit, circumstance, situation or feel threatened on all sides…here’s God’s Word speaking to you…CALL OUT TO HIM.
Moses was so overwhelmed by God’s response that when he reached his father-in-law, Jethro, he couldn’t wait to tell him of all what God had done for the children of Israel. Exodus 18:8 says, “Moses told his father in law everything the Lord had done to Pharoah and Egypt on behalf of Israel. He also told about the hardships they had experienced along the way and HOW THE LORD HAD RESCUED his people from ALL their troubles.” Do you hear that? Moses told Jethro how GOD had rescued his people from ALL their troubles. Not some, ALL.
So my friend no matter where you find yourself today be encouraged. God is standing ready to rescue you from ALL your troubles.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
YOU are the Salt of the Earth!
I am indebted to two men in my life who have shaped most of my thinking on loving others from whatever sect you may have come. Also for helping me recognize that we are not the only passengers on the "gospel ship" with our particular brand or label of Christianity. God has children in all groups of which many I do not know but would love to meet.
The two men of whom I speak are W. Carl Ketcherside and Boyce Mouton plus throw in a sounding board in Tom Tucker and "whalla" - my views. The following article is adapted from a conversation I had with and printed article given by W. Carl Ketcherside. I am praying that it helps to get us "out of the salt shaker" of which an entire book has been written.
Matthew 5:13
Salt is not something which you try to become in Jesus Christ. It is what your ARE in Jesus Christ. Here are a few characteristics of salt which should provide some insights into the nature of discipleship and followship for each of us who claim to be believers and followers of Jesus Christ.
1. Salt was so very precious during the days of Jesus. It was so valuable that Roman soldiers received salt as a portion of their wages. Hence, our word "salary" literally means, "payment in salt". To this day we say of someone who does not rise to the mark or measure up as one who "is not worth their salt". The fact that Jesus referred to His disciples as "salt" is a strong indication of how precious and valuable they were to Him and to influencing the world.
2. Salt was the best preservative known during the time of Jesus Christ. Sometimes when a corpse was transported a long distance, it was packed in salt, not ice. When a covenant or contract was to be implemented between two parties, they ate salt together to seal the contract. The covenant God made with Israel in the old Testament required that salt accompany every cereal offering. (See Lev. 2:13)
3. Salt was a purifying agent in the days of Jesus. It was believed to possess antiseptic qualities and when a soldier was wounded, the hole in the flesh was often stuffed full of salt to prevent infection. It was used by Elisha to purify a spring of water (II Kings 2:22). This make it very eye opening for us to consider our influence as Christians in this society which is infected by sin.
4. Salt increases the taste or the flavor of food. All of us have eaten attractively prepared food in which the cook forgot to add the salt. The "gourmet" meal taste flat and uninspired. So we feel compassion on the folks who have to be on a "salt free" diet. We could also say that life without the Christian influence is flat.
It sure does bother me a great deal to see that those who called themselves, believers or Christians, seem to have so little influence upon the world in general. It seems that we are more excited about our labels and buildings than impacting and influencing our society. There is no simple answer, but it must not be forgotten that salt will do NO GOOD huddling in the shaker. And, it seems to me that a great many believers are trapped inside religious structures or as some have called them, "holy huddles". All we seem to do is huddle, call plays, but never get on the field to execute the plays. In our holy huddles we hold services rather than rendering them. We seem more intent on carrying on religious exercises while the world is tracking more and more to evil and souls are dying without Jesus Christ right at our doorstep.
In his book, "New Light for the Gospels", Clifford A. Wilson says it was a Jewish tradition that when salt became unfit for use on sacrifices, it was sprinkled on the temple steps so that priest would not slip during rainy weather. Barclay makes mention of that unfit salt was thrown on the roadways.
Jesus does not say, "if the salt has lost its strength, I shall have to try something else". We are it. There is NOTHING ELSE. It is you and me or nothing. If we fail, Jesus questions, "with what shall the earth be salted"? The answer is that it will not be. We are the last divine thrust into the world to influence, purify, and perserve our world. Jesus was the Son of God made flesh, we are flesh made children of God.
"you are the salt of the earth"
There is no plan "B".
Again I am thankful to W. Carl Ketcherside for shaping my thoughts on this text from Matthew 5:13
I am praying for you and your family,
The two men of whom I speak are W. Carl Ketcherside and Boyce Mouton plus throw in a sounding board in Tom Tucker and "whalla" - my views. The following article is adapted from a conversation I had with and printed article given by W. Carl Ketcherside. I am praying that it helps to get us "out of the salt shaker" of which an entire book has been written.
Matthew 5:13
Salt is not something which you try to become in Jesus Christ. It is what your ARE in Jesus Christ. Here are a few characteristics of salt which should provide some insights into the nature of discipleship and followship for each of us who claim to be believers and followers of Jesus Christ.
1. Salt was so very precious during the days of Jesus. It was so valuable that Roman soldiers received salt as a portion of their wages. Hence, our word "salary" literally means, "payment in salt". To this day we say of someone who does not rise to the mark or measure up as one who "is not worth their salt". The fact that Jesus referred to His disciples as "salt" is a strong indication of how precious and valuable they were to Him and to influencing the world.
2. Salt was the best preservative known during the time of Jesus Christ. Sometimes when a corpse was transported a long distance, it was packed in salt, not ice. When a covenant or contract was to be implemented between two parties, they ate salt together to seal the contract. The covenant God made with Israel in the old Testament required that salt accompany every cereal offering. (See Lev. 2:13)
3. Salt was a purifying agent in the days of Jesus. It was believed to possess antiseptic qualities and when a soldier was wounded, the hole in the flesh was often stuffed full of salt to prevent infection. It was used by Elisha to purify a spring of water (II Kings 2:22). This make it very eye opening for us to consider our influence as Christians in this society which is infected by sin.
4. Salt increases the taste or the flavor of food. All of us have eaten attractively prepared food in which the cook forgot to add the salt. The "gourmet" meal taste flat and uninspired. So we feel compassion on the folks who have to be on a "salt free" diet. We could also say that life without the Christian influence is flat.
It sure does bother me a great deal to see that those who called themselves, believers or Christians, seem to have so little influence upon the world in general. It seems that we are more excited about our labels and buildings than impacting and influencing our society. There is no simple answer, but it must not be forgotten that salt will do NO GOOD huddling in the shaker. And, it seems to me that a great many believers are trapped inside religious structures or as some have called them, "holy huddles". All we seem to do is huddle, call plays, but never get on the field to execute the plays. In our holy huddles we hold services rather than rendering them. We seem more intent on carrying on religious exercises while the world is tracking more and more to evil and souls are dying without Jesus Christ right at our doorstep.
In his book, "New Light for the Gospels", Clifford A. Wilson says it was a Jewish tradition that when salt became unfit for use on sacrifices, it was sprinkled on the temple steps so that priest would not slip during rainy weather. Barclay makes mention of that unfit salt was thrown on the roadways.
Jesus does not say, "if the salt has lost its strength, I shall have to try something else". We are it. There is NOTHING ELSE. It is you and me or nothing. If we fail, Jesus questions, "with what shall the earth be salted"? The answer is that it will not be. We are the last divine thrust into the world to influence, purify, and perserve our world. Jesus was the Son of God made flesh, we are flesh made children of God.
"you are the salt of the earth"
There is no plan "B".
Again I am thankful to W. Carl Ketcherside for shaping my thoughts on this text from Matthew 5:13
I am praying for you and your family,
Friday, April 24, 2009
“I had them turn the porn channels off”, my friend said to me. I asked, “Why did you do that?” “Well”, he said, “I knew you were going to ask me those questions and I couldn’t lie to you”. This was a conversation I had several years ago with one of my accountability partners as we went over the questions we ask each other.** For you see, I too, even though a pastor, must hold myself answerable and accountable. My friends and I meet once a week and go over 7 questions that help us stay true and accountable to each other and to God. Chuck Swindoll says, “you need someone in your life who will ask you the hard questions.” Integrity results when Truth and life align. We all need help with that aligning because we’re weak and subject to deceiving ourselves. So, the last question my accountability partners and I ask each other, “have you just lied to me” as we look each other straight in the eye.
Did you know that there are 35 “One Another’s” in the New Testament of the Bible? Such one another’s as “love one another”, “pray for one another” and “honor one another”. There is one other that we seldom use or practice on a regular basis. It is found in James 5:16 “confess your sins to each other…” Wow! That’s a tough one. Do I honestly want to tell others what is REALLY going on in my life? That’s why we need others around us to help us in our spiritual journey. This verse is not an option and not a suggestion. IT IS A COMMANDMENT!
The dictionary defines “accountability” as “answerable, explainable, a willingness or obligation to accept responsibility, responsible to others.” Accountability within the church is an issue that scares most people to death. People are afraid that if they become real and honest with each other, there will be judgment and disapproval for their shortcomings. Pastors many times are the worst. Instead of modeling accountability, we often want to think of ourselves as above being accountable and as having to answer to no one. Not only is that type of thinking dangerous, it is unbiblical.
Dr. Howard Hendricks did a survey of 256 pastors who fell to temptation. One of the common denominators was that they had no accountability partners. They were alone 99 % of the time. When we are alone, the devil, that roaring lion seeks us out and endeavors to entrap us. Why does the lion in the jungle stalk the herd of deer? To find the one straggler. The one that is last and away from the herd. What happens when you pull a briquette out from the group in the center of the BBQ pit? Yep, the heat diminishes and eventually the briquette dies. Same happens to us when we move away from each other. .
Accountability is not about judgment. It is about love so that we may be what God has called us to be. “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NIV) Accountability is all about encouragement and restoration. We need each other to help hold us responsible and accountable.
There are many avenues that the evil one chooses to entice and entrap. Sexuality is just one. It can be a whole host of entrapments when we are alone, such as bitterness, tiredness, jealousy, neglecting our Bible study and prayer. Remember, David’s sin with Bathsheba. The Bible states in I Samuel 11:1-2, “at a time when kings went out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all of Israel…David stayed at Jerusalem.” Oops. David was alone, when he observed the bathing beauty of Bathsheba. Here it is again, no accountability. That’s why the Bible states, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)
The two keys to effective accountability are commitment and honesty. Commitment to seek out close friends to meet with on a regular basis to hold each other accountable and responsible. It tough at times to keep those appointments because of scheduling but most of the time because of having to answer those questions (they are listed at the end of this article). However, the most important is TOTAL HONESTY when you do meet. There are going to be times in life where we are going to blow it big time with God. It may be that we simply fall prey to the attack of the enemy, or it may be that we go seeking after sin. Either way, we must have someone or someone’s who can watch out for us and help us get back on the right path. “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV) this scripture is the reason I picked 3 friends to be close to me. Remember Jesus, even though He had a band of brothers numbering 12, he chose 3 to be His closest confidante’s. Name the 3, RIGHT NOW, that you will chose to help you on this journey called life.
Okay, a couple more scriptures to show the importance of Christian accountability. Proverbs 27:17, “just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen each other” (CEV), and “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NIV)
So, you see my friends. Not only do we need our heavenly Father, His son the Lord Jesus Christ, and the blessed Holy Spirit, BUT WE NEED EACH OTHER. REMEMBER, “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.” James 5:16 (The Message)
Leonard Navarre
Associate Pastor
Valley View Christian Church
Edgewood, New Mexico
** Chuck Swindoll’s Seven Integrity Questions:
1) Have you been with someone, this week, of the opposite sex who is not your spouse? Could the meeting be seen as compromising?
2) Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit material in a stimulating way?
3) Have you given your wife/husband, family top priority this week?
4) Have any of your financial dealings lacked integrity?
5) Have you given your self to adequate time in Bible study and prayer?
6) Are you fulfilling the mandates of a disciple?
7) Have you just lied to me?
Did you know that there are 35 “One Another’s” in the New Testament of the Bible? Such one another’s as “love one another”, “pray for one another” and “honor one another”. There is one other that we seldom use or practice on a regular basis. It is found in James 5:16 “confess your sins to each other…” Wow! That’s a tough one. Do I honestly want to tell others what is REALLY going on in my life? That’s why we need others around us to help us in our spiritual journey. This verse is not an option and not a suggestion. IT IS A COMMANDMENT!
The dictionary defines “accountability” as “answerable, explainable, a willingness or obligation to accept responsibility, responsible to others.” Accountability within the church is an issue that scares most people to death. People are afraid that if they become real and honest with each other, there will be judgment and disapproval for their shortcomings. Pastors many times are the worst. Instead of modeling accountability, we often want to think of ourselves as above being accountable and as having to answer to no one. Not only is that type of thinking dangerous, it is unbiblical.
Dr. Howard Hendricks did a survey of 256 pastors who fell to temptation. One of the common denominators was that they had no accountability partners. They were alone 99 % of the time. When we are alone, the devil, that roaring lion seeks us out and endeavors to entrap us. Why does the lion in the jungle stalk the herd of deer? To find the one straggler. The one that is last and away from the herd. What happens when you pull a briquette out from the group in the center of the BBQ pit? Yep, the heat diminishes and eventually the briquette dies. Same happens to us when we move away from each other. .
Accountability is not about judgment. It is about love so that we may be what God has called us to be. “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NIV) Accountability is all about encouragement and restoration. We need each other to help hold us responsible and accountable.
There are many avenues that the evil one chooses to entice and entrap. Sexuality is just one. It can be a whole host of entrapments when we are alone, such as bitterness, tiredness, jealousy, neglecting our Bible study and prayer. Remember, David’s sin with Bathsheba. The Bible states in I Samuel 11:1-2, “at a time when kings went out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all of Israel…David stayed at Jerusalem.” Oops. David was alone, when he observed the bathing beauty of Bathsheba. Here it is again, no accountability. That’s why the Bible states, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)
The two keys to effective accountability are commitment and honesty. Commitment to seek out close friends to meet with on a regular basis to hold each other accountable and responsible. It tough at times to keep those appointments because of scheduling but most of the time because of having to answer those questions (they are listed at the end of this article). However, the most important is TOTAL HONESTY when you do meet. There are going to be times in life where we are going to blow it big time with God. It may be that we simply fall prey to the attack of the enemy, or it may be that we go seeking after sin. Either way, we must have someone or someone’s who can watch out for us and help us get back on the right path. “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV) this scripture is the reason I picked 3 friends to be close to me. Remember Jesus, even though He had a band of brothers numbering 12, he chose 3 to be His closest confidante’s. Name the 3, RIGHT NOW, that you will chose to help you on this journey called life.
Okay, a couple more scriptures to show the importance of Christian accountability. Proverbs 27:17, “just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen each other” (CEV), and “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NIV)
So, you see my friends. Not only do we need our heavenly Father, His son the Lord Jesus Christ, and the blessed Holy Spirit, BUT WE NEED EACH OTHER. REMEMBER, “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.” James 5:16 (The Message)
Leonard Navarre
Associate Pastor
Valley View Christian Church
Edgewood, New Mexico
** Chuck Swindoll’s Seven Integrity Questions:
1) Have you been with someone, this week, of the opposite sex who is not your spouse? Could the meeting be seen as compromising?
2) Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit material in a stimulating way?
3) Have you given your wife/husband, family top priority this week?
4) Have any of your financial dealings lacked integrity?
5) Have you given your self to adequate time in Bible study and prayer?
6) Are you fulfilling the mandates of a disciple?
7) Have you just lied to me?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Cure for "Stinkin Thinkin"!
Have you heard of the name Sethur? How about Palti? Gaddiel? Or Geul? Or maybe Nahbi? They were part of a group that who had an attitude that that infected the Children of Israel as they approached the Promise Land . They were part of a group that brought a curse to the children of Israel ’s progress. The disease is called “Negative thinking”. The names I just mentioned. They are 5 men named in Number 13 that were part of the 12 spies sent to spy out the land of promise.
You probably don’t remember those guys because of their negative report. They spied out the land and when they came back to report what they had seen, 10 of these men said, NO WAY. There is no way that we can move into the land and conquer it. In Numbers 13 verse 31 it says, “we are not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.” Virtually, every adult in the entire nature concurred with the majority of the spies. BUT, 2 men, said by God’s strength WE CAN DO IT. Only Joshua and Caleb DARED to believe God. This negative thinking was the very reason this generation of Israelites perished in the wilderness instead of inheriting the land that flowed with milk and honey. (Numbers 14:26-38).
Usually great achievements by both nations and individuals are the results of both perseverance and faith. It is a little known fact that there was a colony from the Old World that came to America and failed BEFORE the Pilgrims sailed and succeeded.
Long ago when I was in High School, there were those who insisted that it was impossible for a man to break the 4 minute mile. We once laughed at dreamers who spoke of putting men in space and on the moon.
Progress and success is always attributed to those who look beyond frustration and failure and move forward regardless. It is said that inventor of the light bulb experimented over 2 thousand times before he came up with the incandescent light bulb.
Negative thinking devours the seed in winter before the warmth of spring can give root in a fertile soil. Negative thinking chains the pioneer to the well worn paths of the past and denies to every generation the challenges and freedoms that are over the next horizon.
My friends, the same is true within our spiritual journeys. The devil is the one who devises tricks and strategies to discourage and disappointed us. The evil one has come to divide and destroy. He doesn’t want you to succeed. He doesn’t want you to be victorious in your spiritual journey. He will devise all sorts of obstacles and barriers to discourage you in your walk.
The apostle Paul experienced more than his share of frustrations, disappointments and disasters. Listen, Second Corinthians 11 beginning with verse 24, “5 times I received from the Jews the 40 lashes minus one, 3 times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, 3 times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day I the open sea” and he adds much more.
So, you see the Apostle Paul could have developed this negative complex. Probably if we had been beaten, maligned and misunderstood we would have opted for early retirement. But the apostle Paul gives each one of us this encouragement as we journey in our spiritual life. Our bible boost for today comes from Philippians 4 and verse 13, listen closely, “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME.” Did you hear it? Where you listening?
The apostle Paul gives us the answer to over come as Zig Zigler says, “stinkin thinking”. Overcoming negative thinking comes with putting our trust in the king of kings and lord of lords.
Philippians 4:13, a good one to memorize
You probably don’t remember those guys because of their negative report. They spied out the land and when they came back to report what they had seen, 10 of these men said, NO WAY. There is no way that we can move into the land and conquer it. In Numbers 13 verse 31 it says, “we are not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.” Virtually, every adult in the entire nature concurred with the majority of the spies. BUT, 2 men, said by God’s strength WE CAN DO IT. Only Joshua and Caleb DARED to believe God. This negative thinking was the very reason this generation of Israelites perished in the wilderness instead of inheriting the land that flowed with milk and honey. (Numbers 14:26-38).
Usually great achievements by both nations and individuals are the results of both perseverance and faith. It is a little known fact that there was a colony from the Old World that came to America and failed BEFORE the Pilgrims sailed and succeeded.
Long ago when I was in High School, there were those who insisted that it was impossible for a man to break the 4 minute mile. We once laughed at dreamers who spoke of putting men in space and on the moon.
Progress and success is always attributed to those who look beyond frustration and failure and move forward regardless. It is said that inventor of the light bulb experimented over 2 thousand times before he came up with the incandescent light bulb.
Negative thinking devours the seed in winter before the warmth of spring can give root in a fertile soil. Negative thinking chains the pioneer to the well worn paths of the past and denies to every generation the challenges and freedoms that are over the next horizon.
My friends, the same is true within our spiritual journeys. The devil is the one who devises tricks and strategies to discourage and disappointed us. The evil one has come to divide and destroy. He doesn’t want you to succeed. He doesn’t want you to be victorious in your spiritual journey. He will devise all sorts of obstacles and barriers to discourage you in your walk.
The apostle Paul experienced more than his share of frustrations, disappointments and disasters. Listen, Second Corinthians 11 beginning with verse 24, “5 times I received from the Jews the 40 lashes minus one, 3 times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, 3 times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day I the open sea” and he adds much more.
So, you see the Apostle Paul could have developed this negative complex. Probably if we had been beaten, maligned and misunderstood we would have opted for early retirement. But the apostle Paul gives each one of us this encouragement as we journey in our spiritual life. Our bible boost for today comes from Philippians 4 and verse 13, listen closely, “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME.” Did you hear it? Where you listening?
The apostle Paul gives us the answer to over come as Zig Zigler says, “stinkin thinking”. Overcoming negative thinking comes with putting our trust in the king of kings and lord of lords.
Philippians 4:13, a good one to memorize
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hey, what’s the sign? How do you I know the events will take place like you say? Remember, Moses. God asked him to return to Egypt and liberate a nation of Hebrew slaves. But, Moses was concerned. He had a police record plus an Egyptians tyrant on the throne. So at this juncture, God gave Moses a series of signs to convince him of his mission. There was the miraculous rod, the leprous hand the burning bush and of course the voice from heaven.
Gideon chosen by God to defeat the Midianites also responded, “Where are the miracles that our fathers told us about”. He was looking for a sign. He even put out the fleece, twice, as a sign from God that he was called.
Remember, Hezekiah. He was a dying king of Judah who was promised fifteen additional years of life and also deliverance from the King of Assyria. It seemed impossible. Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “what shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me?” The gracious God of heaven who understands our doubts turned back the clockwork of heaven and shadow on the sun dial went back 10 degrees.
A doubting world cries out for a sign. We dare not gamble everything we are on hunches and superstition. Since Jesus Christ is calling us to a life faithfully lived for him and to trust Him with all the unknowns after death. He may place upon us a burden to die a martyr in some forgotten jungle or to turn the other cheek to a vicious enemy. To the one who jealously calls for total submission and surrender…we dare not accept to just some “idea or some childish thought.”
So, our wonderful Savior and all mighty God gives us re-assurance as to a sign. Remember what Jesus said to those who were asking a sign of Him. “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up” He also said, “an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And no sign shall be given, but the sign of the prophet Jonas; for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
Therefore, my friends, today we celebrate Easter or better known as Resurrection day is deemed sufficient by the judge of heaven to convince rational men that Jesus is who he claimed to be. It is deemed sufficient evidence to call you and me to repentance and align ourselves to the cause of Christ Jesus our Lord.
Paul reminds us in First Corinthians 15 and verse 14, “that if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is vain, and your faith is also vain”.
So my friend this historical fact, the resurrection of Jesus Christ has convinced honest skeptics and strengthened Christians faith. Someone once said that dishonest skeptics will not believe even though one who rises from the dead.
So therefore my friends, the sign of the resurrection directs everyone down the path to eternal life. Our Bible Boost from today is from Matthew 28 and verses 5 through 7. “The angel said to the women; do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Now go quickly and tell his disciples; He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee, there you will see him.”
“why seek you the living among the dead, he is not here, for he has risen.
Glory to the king of kings and lord of lords. He has risen.
Gideon chosen by God to defeat the Midianites also responded, “Where are the miracles that our fathers told us about”. He was looking for a sign. He even put out the fleece, twice, as a sign from God that he was called.
Remember, Hezekiah. He was a dying king of Judah who was promised fifteen additional years of life and also deliverance from the King of Assyria. It seemed impossible. Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “what shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me?” The gracious God of heaven who understands our doubts turned back the clockwork of heaven and shadow on the sun dial went back 10 degrees.
A doubting world cries out for a sign. We dare not gamble everything we are on hunches and superstition. Since Jesus Christ is calling us to a life faithfully lived for him and to trust Him with all the unknowns after death. He may place upon us a burden to die a martyr in some forgotten jungle or to turn the other cheek to a vicious enemy. To the one who jealously calls for total submission and surrender…we dare not accept to just some “idea or some childish thought.”
So, our wonderful Savior and all mighty God gives us re-assurance as to a sign. Remember what Jesus said to those who were asking a sign of Him. “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up” He also said, “an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And no sign shall be given, but the sign of the prophet Jonas; for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
Therefore, my friends, today we celebrate Easter or better known as Resurrection day is deemed sufficient by the judge of heaven to convince rational men that Jesus is who he claimed to be. It is deemed sufficient evidence to call you and me to repentance and align ourselves to the cause of Christ Jesus our Lord.
Paul reminds us in First Corinthians 15 and verse 14, “that if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is vain, and your faith is also vain”.
So my friend this historical fact, the resurrection of Jesus Christ has convinced honest skeptics and strengthened Christians faith. Someone once said that dishonest skeptics will not believe even though one who rises from the dead.
So therefore my friends, the sign of the resurrection directs everyone down the path to eternal life. Our Bible Boost from today is from Matthew 28 and verses 5 through 7. “The angel said to the women; do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Now go quickly and tell his disciples; He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee, there you will see him.”
“why seek you the living among the dead, he is not here, for he has risen.
Glory to the king of kings and lord of lords. He has risen.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The following thoughts I have taken and adapted from John Eldredge's book, "Waking the Dead". It blessed my life I pray it will bless yours.
"Jesus of Nazareth was sentenced to death by a vain puppet of the Roman government acting as a district governor of Jerusalem. He was nailed on a cross by a handful of Roman soldiers who happened to be on duty, and left there to die. He died sometime around 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a Friday. The cause...a broken heart. An innocent man, bleeding for the sin and sins of the world. We have rebelled, and the penalty for our rebellion was death. To lose us to sin was too great a pain for God to bear, and so he took it upon HIMSELF to rescue us. This innocent man, the Son of God came to "give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28)
Each and every one of us has been ransomed by Him who is called the Christ. Our treachery is forgiven. Our lives, entirely pardoned for every wrong thought and desire and deed. This is what the vast majority of Christians understand as the central work of Christ for us. And make no mistake about is a deep and stunning truth that will set you free and give you great joy. It is this truth, echoed by the Roman centurion standing guard that day as he witnessed this man on the cross, when he states, "Surely he was the son of God!"
Because of what was effected on that day,
we call it...
May we never forget the reason for this season and why we celebrate Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday...Easter.
I am praying for you and your family,
"Jesus of Nazareth was sentenced to death by a vain puppet of the Roman government acting as a district governor of Jerusalem. He was nailed on a cross by a handful of Roman soldiers who happened to be on duty, and left there to die. He died sometime around 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a Friday. The cause...a broken heart. An innocent man, bleeding for the sin and sins of the world. We have rebelled, and the penalty for our rebellion was death. To lose us to sin was too great a pain for God to bear, and so he took it upon HIMSELF to rescue us. This innocent man, the Son of God came to "give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28)
Each and every one of us has been ransomed by Him who is called the Christ. Our treachery is forgiven. Our lives, entirely pardoned for every wrong thought and desire and deed. This is what the vast majority of Christians understand as the central work of Christ for us. And make no mistake about is a deep and stunning truth that will set you free and give you great joy. It is this truth, echoed by the Roman centurion standing guard that day as he witnessed this man on the cross, when he states, "Surely he was the son of God!"
Because of what was effected on that day,
we call it...
May we never forget the reason for this season and why we celebrate Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday...Easter.
I am praying for you and your family,
Monday, April 6, 2009
Return to the LORD!
Return to the Lord God with all your heart!
Slowly, just like a dripping faucet, the nation drifted farther and farther away from God. When they were moving forward there were cities to conquer, frontiers to explore and oppression to erase, the nation was generally in tuned to God’s leading.
BUT NOW, they were settled into the new country. They built cities, grew the economy and found that their interest turned slowly from God to other things, other frontiers and even great learning through education. Self pleasing and “I” istic goals took the place of God worship and striving to please Him.
Even their religions leaders allowed the devil to step in and direct their lives. They stole food which was supposed to be sacrificed to God. Sex was used in the name of religion. Even sacred articles were captured and the nation was left without any strong religious direction.
Many of these details sounds like the good old USA, America. However, it is not. The nation of which I speak was Israel of the Old testament. Things were bad and the presence of God was lacking. It was so bad that the daughter-in-law of the High Priest, Eli, named her new born son, Icabod meaning, “the glory of the Lord has departed.”
If ever a people needed a course correction it was Israel and we can also say the same for America. Maybe even WE, personally, need a course correction.
So, God sent a prophet to give instructions for the course correction. For the nation to come back to God. This instruction is also available to us. If we feel that we have drifted far from God and it seems that God is a million miles away we can say with confidence that God is not
the one who moved. Israel had moved AWAY from God. God did not move away from Israel.
God will not move away from you.
So God sent the prophet Samuel with the message and the formula by which Israel could return to their God, Jehovah, creator of the universe and the sustainer and provider for their people.
In First Samuel 7 and verse 3, Samuel states the steps of instruction for returning to the Lord. Let us consider step number one.
The prophet says, return to the Lord with your WHOLE HEART. What does that mean to return with our whole heart? Well, Samuel knew that the people had substituted other gods in their worship. They had made idols out of stone and wood and worshiped the creation rather than the Creator. They became lethargic in their love and loyalty to almighty God. An idol is anything that comes between us and our heavenly Father. They had put idolatry in between themselves and Jehovah God. So, Samuel was saying in order to get God’s attention and to receive his blessings, Israel had to come back to Him with their love and loyalty. They had to decide whose side they were on. Were they going to serve and obey God or where they going to continue on the selfish, idolatrous path?
Friends, some of us are just like these rebellious folks in the Old Testament. We have formed a partnership with Israel to put other things before God. We have drifted off course. We have set our compass heading on our own various selfish desires and charted our own course. Our love for our Lord Jesus Christ has suffered damage and in many cases that love has grown cold.
So, what do I do if I find myself drifting from the Lord Jesus?
Well, friends, Samuel gives us the best advice of getting back on course.
I want to remind you
of the teaching from I Samuel 7 and verse 3. “Return to the Lord with your WHOLE HEART”.
May God bless you as you journey Towards Him.
I am praying for you and your family,
Slowly, just like a dripping faucet, the nation drifted farther and farther away from God. When they were moving forward there were cities to conquer, frontiers to explore and oppression to erase, the nation was generally in tuned to God’s leading.
BUT NOW, they were settled into the new country. They built cities, grew the economy and found that their interest turned slowly from God to other things, other frontiers and even great learning through education. Self pleasing and “I” istic goals took the place of God worship and striving to please Him.
Even their religions leaders allowed the devil to step in and direct their lives. They stole food which was supposed to be sacrificed to God. Sex was used in the name of religion. Even sacred articles were captured and the nation was left without any strong religious direction.
Many of these details sounds like the good old USA, America. However, it is not. The nation of which I speak was Israel of the Old testament. Things were bad and the presence of God was lacking. It was so bad that the daughter-in-law of the High Priest, Eli, named her new born son, Icabod meaning, “the glory of the Lord has departed.”
If ever a people needed a course correction it was Israel and we can also say the same for America. Maybe even WE, personally, need a course correction.
So, God sent a prophet to give instructions for the course correction. For the nation to come back to God. This instruction is also available to us. If we feel that we have drifted far from God and it seems that God is a million miles away we can say with confidence that God is not
the one who moved. Israel had moved AWAY from God. God did not move away from Israel.
God will not move away from you.
So God sent the prophet Samuel with the message and the formula by which Israel could return to their God, Jehovah, creator of the universe and the sustainer and provider for their people.
In First Samuel 7 and verse 3, Samuel states the steps of instruction for returning to the Lord. Let us consider step number one.
The prophet says, return to the Lord with your WHOLE HEART. What does that mean to return with our whole heart? Well, Samuel knew that the people had substituted other gods in their worship. They had made idols out of stone and wood and worshiped the creation rather than the Creator. They became lethargic in their love and loyalty to almighty God. An idol is anything that comes between us and our heavenly Father. They had put idolatry in between themselves and Jehovah God. So, Samuel was saying in order to get God’s attention and to receive his blessings, Israel had to come back to Him with their love and loyalty. They had to decide whose side they were on. Were they going to serve and obey God or where they going to continue on the selfish, idolatrous path?
Friends, some of us are just like these rebellious folks in the Old Testament. We have formed a partnership with Israel to put other things before God. We have drifted off course. We have set our compass heading on our own various selfish desires and charted our own course. Our love for our Lord Jesus Christ has suffered damage and in many cases that love has grown cold.
So, what do I do if I find myself drifting from the Lord Jesus?
Well, friends, Samuel gives us the best advice of getting back on course.
I want to remind you
of the teaching from I Samuel 7 and verse 3. “Return to the Lord with your WHOLE HEART”.
May God bless you as you journey Towards Him.
I am praying for you and your family,
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Don't Worry!
I don’t know about you, but I suspect you are much like me. There are times when I feel anxious, worried and now right nervous over how life is shaping up for me. Our Bible Boost for today speaks to those feelings. Philippians 4:6-7 says, “The Lord is near; have no anxiety, but in everything make your request known to God in prayer and petition with thanksgiving. Then the peace of God which is beyond our utmost understanding will guard your hearts and thoughts, IN CHRIST JESUS.”
Notice how logically and beautifully this passage unfolds. The recognition of God’s presence is followed by the admonition “not to worry”.
Overcoming worry and anxiety begins with recognizing that God is near. Joshua 1:9 says, “do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Jesus said in Matthew 28:20, “and I am with you always, even to the end of the ages.” So one of the first steps in overcoming worry and being anxious is to realize that “GOD IS NEAR”.
Reminds me of a story I heard long ago of a little boy who was scared still to walk down the street where a bully resided. One day one of his friends saw him walking right by the bully’s house and inquired why he wasn’t afraid to walk by the bully’s house. The little boy responded, “Well, my big brother is watching out the picture window to make sure I make it pass the bully’s house.”
God is watching, God is providing, God is close. So, do not be afraid and do not be discouraged.
The text also stresses the need for prayer and how to pray. We are to take all things to the Lord in prayer WITH THANKSGIVING. Notice the emphasis. Not just pray. BUT, pray with thanksgiving for whatever it is that is causing the anxiety.
So, I challenge you. Put this scripture to the test. The next time you find yourself on edge with anxiety. You are worried, wringing you hands, don’t know what to do or where to turn. Pray, thanking God for whatever it is that’s causing the worry. Notice, it doesn’t matter the circumstance, for it says, “in everything” our prayers are to be offered with “thanksgiving”. I challenge you never to ask God for anything, anytime without reflecting upon the ledger of His bountiful blessings.
REMEMER now. Where is the apostle Paul when he writes these words. Do you remember? He is in jail. And from jail writes these words about “guarding your hearts”. Because Paul knows that if you allow your mind to wander it will bring up all sorts of creatures from the shadows. So Paul writes these words without anxiety worry or despair. What a great example for us today.
We can guide our minds and emotions to the promises of these words in Philippians. God is near. Don’t worry. God will hear, don’t worry. Give thanks for what God is doing and has done. Don’t worry.
When we follow these teachings, verse 7 says that a peace beyond our understanding or the worlds understanding will overflow into our hearts and lives to set up barriers against negative and inappropriate thoughts.
When we take our thoughts so stained with mistrust and purge them with the overflow of a grateful heart, we find that God is on guard just like this scripture tells us. We discover that the painful notions of worry are replaced by the soothing assurance of His presence and His peace.
Philippians 4:6 and 7… “God is near have no anxiety but in everything with thanksgiving let your requests be made known.”
I am praying for you and your family.
Notice how logically and beautifully this passage unfolds. The recognition of God’s presence is followed by the admonition “not to worry”.
Overcoming worry and anxiety begins with recognizing that God is near. Joshua 1:9 says, “do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Jesus said in Matthew 28:20, “and I am with you always, even to the end of the ages.” So one of the first steps in overcoming worry and being anxious is to realize that “GOD IS NEAR”.
Reminds me of a story I heard long ago of a little boy who was scared still to walk down the street where a bully resided. One day one of his friends saw him walking right by the bully’s house and inquired why he wasn’t afraid to walk by the bully’s house. The little boy responded, “Well, my big brother is watching out the picture window to make sure I make it pass the bully’s house.”
God is watching, God is providing, God is close. So, do not be afraid and do not be discouraged.
The text also stresses the need for prayer and how to pray. We are to take all things to the Lord in prayer WITH THANKSGIVING. Notice the emphasis. Not just pray. BUT, pray with thanksgiving for whatever it is that is causing the anxiety.
So, I challenge you. Put this scripture to the test. The next time you find yourself on edge with anxiety. You are worried, wringing you hands, don’t know what to do or where to turn. Pray, thanking God for whatever it is that’s causing the worry. Notice, it doesn’t matter the circumstance, for it says, “in everything” our prayers are to be offered with “thanksgiving”. I challenge you never to ask God for anything, anytime without reflecting upon the ledger of His bountiful blessings.
REMEMER now. Where is the apostle Paul when he writes these words. Do you remember? He is in jail. And from jail writes these words about “guarding your hearts”. Because Paul knows that if you allow your mind to wander it will bring up all sorts of creatures from the shadows. So Paul writes these words without anxiety worry or despair. What a great example for us today.
We can guide our minds and emotions to the promises of these words in Philippians. God is near. Don’t worry. God will hear, don’t worry. Give thanks for what God is doing and has done. Don’t worry.
When we follow these teachings, verse 7 says that a peace beyond our understanding or the worlds understanding will overflow into our hearts and lives to set up barriers against negative and inappropriate thoughts.
When we take our thoughts so stained with mistrust and purge them with the overflow of a grateful heart, we find that God is on guard just like this scripture tells us. We discover that the painful notions of worry are replaced by the soothing assurance of His presence and His peace.
Philippians 4:6 and 7… “God is near have no anxiety but in everything with thanksgiving let your requests be made known.”
I am praying for you and your family.
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