Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Our Bible boost for today is the word, STEADFAST. The dictionary defines steadfast as “firmly fixed in place or unwavering”. It comes from to words, sted which means place and fast which means “held tight or fixed”.

I have chosen this word because of the scriptures that tell us that when we stand for that which is Biblical and do the right thing we WILL have trouble and be persecuted. Jesus says in John 15:20, “remember, the word that I said to you, a slave is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” For those who stand for right, truth and righteousness Jesus says THERE WILL BE PERSECUTION.

I recently returned from a Mission trip to India. Persecution is very real there. Preachers are having their homes destroyed, their churches burned and members of their congregations scattered into the jungles with no food and little water because of their stand for the Lord Jesus Christ and Christianity.

One evangelist from India told me that his wife was raped by eight men while they made him watch. Another evangelist told me that he and his wife were riding their motorcycle on their way to a doctor for her when 6 other motorcycles carrying several men cut in front of them. Both the evangelist and his wife were beaten severely. The pastor was beaten so badly that he was in a coma for 2 days. When he awoke from his coma in ICU his uncle was sitting at the foot of the bed. The uncle told the beaten pastor that his wife was beaten so savagely that she died and they had her funeral that morning while the pastor was in a coma.

Jesus said, “there will be persecution”. Just in the pass couple weeks a California pro-life counselor and Pastor, Walter Hoye received a jail term for peaceful work outside an abortion clinic to try to save the lives of unborn babies.
Hoye was found guilty of violating a local ordinance that dictates that he must stay at least eight feet away from anyone entering the clinic. He was found guilty, even though video demonstrated that he did not violate the law. Hoye was ordered to jail for 30 days, fined $1,130, and placed on probation for three years.
Have you heard about the Philadelphia eleven? 11 Philadelphia-area Christians were arrested after peacefully protesting a homosexual event called Outfest on a public sidewalk.
Eight charges were filed against them, including three felonies and five misdemeanors. The charges were: criminal conspiracy, possession of instruments of crime, reckless endangerment of another person, ethnic intimidation, riot, failure to disperse, disorderly conduct, and obstructing highways. The judge referred back to Defense Attorney Scott Shields' reference to William Penn, the Founder of Philadelphia who came to America to escape religious persecution, saying that "here, of all places" the right of free speech had to be protected.
Thankfully a clear headed judge threw out the case against the 11.
So, here’s our bible boost for today. It comes from I Corinthians 15:58, “therefore, my dear friends, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is NOT IN VAIN IN THE LORD”.

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Faithful Dad

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