Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Through the eyes of Jesus!

Today’s bible boost zeros in on John chapter 13. It’s the story of Jesus and his disciples in the upper room prior to his court appearance and crucifixion. As they came into the room that fateful night the basin and towels used for washing feet were at the door. Those were items customarily in every home as a sign of hospitality. So it is logical to assume that each of the disciples saw those items. Yet, it seems equally obvious that the thought of using them personally did not enter their minds.

But, Jesus got up from the table took the basin of water and the towel and washed the feet of his disciples. The disciples couldn’t believe it. This was a job for the slave, the servant and here Jesus was taking up the basin of water and the towel. But, we remember the words of Jesus where He said, I have come to serve and not be served. (Matthew 20:28 NAS)

Virtually everything that Jesus saw He saw as a means of ministry. When He saw a boat He thought of how He could use it to teach others. When He saw a fig tree He used it to teach a lesson. When He saw a small lunch of fish and bread, He touched others by feeding them with this small lunch. When He saw a piece of money, He did not think of selfishly spending it on Himself, but as a vehicle to teach spiritual truths.

How differently do we see things? When I see a boat, or food, or money my first inclination is to think first of my own needs and wants. Many of us respond this way. How desperately we need the eyes of Jesus.

So, let’s be honest. If we saw that basin of water and towel what would come to your mind. Look around you right now. What do you see? I see books, computer, radio, microphones, desk, a building and other items to numerous to mention. Each and every one of these items could conceivably be used FOR OTHERS if I would only look at them through the eyes of Jesus.

But wait. There’s more. Jesus, also, saw people in the same constructive way. When He met the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in John 4, He did not see her as a vehicle to satisfy some selfish desire, but rather someone who could bring salvation to her self and to an entire town. The demonic man who was cured was thrilled to be cured but he wanted to follow Jesus. But, Jesus forbade him and urged him to remain where he was to serve the community where he lived. The disciples that Jesus chose for ministry were considered “unlearned and ignorant” by the elite of society. They had little to commend themselves as individuals of promise. But, Jesus saw their potential and chose them to turn the world upside town with His good news of hope and salvation. Jesus saw potential in virtually everyone.

Remember, I told you earlier of what I saw around me. The objects. But also in this building are people. Dozens. Through the eyes of Jesus I can see great potential in each and every one of them if they give Him their heart and lives.

I also believe Jesus sees great potential all of you who are listening in today. Jesus sees you with a tremendous capacity to change YOUR world if you will just look at your world through His eyes.

It is my deepest prayer that God will give each and everyone of us, THE EYES OF JESUS!

Listen to Second Corinthians 5 verse 17 “therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”.

May we see all things through the NEW eyes of Jesus.

I am praying for you.

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