Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Recommend Reading!

There a many books we could share and recommend. However I will put my
stamp on two for you today. One is just out. Max Lucado's new book, "Fearless" is
not only good but NEEDED today. Oh, how we need courage today. Courage to
live the life, courage to stand for truth, and courage to do the right thing.

Second book is by Charles (Chuck) Colson, "The Faith - Given Once, For All"
Jude 3
Here's a little to wet your appetite...
"The challenges of anti-theism and radical Islam could not come at a worse time
for the church, because most Christians do not understand what they believe,
why they believe it, and why it matters. how can a Christianity that is not
understood be practiced? And how can it be presented in its character as peace,
freedom, and joy? How are skeptics to understand Christianity's positive
aspects. Tragically, postmodern culture has been infected and weakened
the Church, particularly in the West."

Both are good. As with all my recommendations, if there is something you don't
agree with, research, pray and as always take the good of the writing.
God bless.

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