Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Each one reach one!

Each on reach one! GO! Matthew 28:18-20 teaches us that for evangelism to take place we Christians must go and BE WITH PEOPLE!. Throughout the New Testament we learn that there is only ONE way for the gospel to touch and change lives. That’s for those who have been changed to associate with those who need to know our Jesus. Touching lives for Jesus ALWAYS means association. YES EVEN RELATIONSHIPS. Reaching people for Jesus takes association. Jesus hung out with fishermen, prostitutes, tax collectors, the sick, yes even, “women”. Jesus ate with them, walked among them, touched them in their market places. Association. For Peter, it was to the Jews. For Paul he hung out with the Gentiles. For most of the apostles “they went out” touched the lives – association. For us to impact and touch the world for Jesus, we must not think that our “holy huddles” on Sunday is the only way to impact others for Jesus. We must leave the cozy confines of the “sanctuary”, our houses and venture out into our world: our neighborhood, out places of gatherings, golf trips, fishing trips, etc and touch others with our Jesus. Reaching people with the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ takes ASSOCIATIONS. Let us be about our Father’s business.

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