Wednesday, February 29, 2012

India Mission Trip Great Success!

First, I thank my Lord Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father for the opportunity to travel half way around the world to witness for our precious Savior.

Second, thank you to all who contributed to this mission trip. Because of YOU many, many lives were affected and changed. Because of YOU the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ touched thousands and only heaven knows the results of our labors. Because of YOU many who were hungry, thirsty and unclothed have felt the love of Jesus through the rice, wheat, clothing and shelter. Because of YOU, I praise God for our partnership in taking the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to other countries as well as here in the U.S.A. via the radio program, "Your Bible Boost" on

Here's the stats as to where the funds were used on India Mission 2012:
* Funded meals for over 500 orphans and staff at the Tribal Childrens Home for 1 year.
* Provided rice, wheat, blankets and sari's (clothes) for over 100 widows in a village near Damoh. These widows were to receive $5.00 per month (YES, per month) but by the time the local officials had skimmed the top, the widows only received @ $2.00.
* Provided funds to buy 55 children out of slavery. Each child bought AND their family are placed under the care of a local congregation so that the slavery will not be repeated. Also, the congregation and evangelist are able to witness and disciple these families for our Lord Jesus Christ.
* Provided rice, wheat, candy, cookies, pencils and vitamins to over 200 children of the Children's Food Project.
* Provided funding for food, lodging and expenses for over 300 evangelist who attended the two day Leadership Conference.
Those are just the "hard" facts. But, there are many stories that go along with these facts. I hope to be writing about these stories on the blog, So from time to time check it out for those personal stories that show the full extent of YOUR partnership with us.

Again, thank you so much for partnering with us to reach others for our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am praying for you and your families!

Before you open your Bible: PRAY!

5 Prayers befofre you open your Bible: 1. Ps 119:130 Break open your word within me until revelation-light shines out! Those with open hea...