Monday, March 30, 2009

Projects vs Promises!

Projects or Promises?

It was in the “Acknowledgement” section of the book that was loaned to me. Here’s the statement, “first and foremost to thank Carol, my partner of ten years, for the precious gifts she gave me. Our marriage did not survive this book.” Do you hear the sadness, the loneliness, the lost, the frustration, THE CLUE?

Here’s a guy that let the project of the book overshadow the promises of the wedding altar. It seems to me that people spend way too much time and money on the wedding and not enough time on the preparation, money and effort on the marriage. Let me tell you if you don’t already know that marriages that WORK take WORK. Loving, caring and intimate relationships are the results of “tending the garden”.

That author states the obvious. The book project received more attention than the promise to his wife, more attention than his marriage. He became partners with a project rather than a person. Millions are suffering from loneliness, lack of appreciation and depression maybe even abuse because they may be married but they are not one in love, emotion and spirit. Many marriages are struggling with frustration because there is no love in the relationship. There is neither respect nor appreciation. Many a spouse has put projects above and before their promises.

If you find yourself in such a position, let me give you a couple suggestions that may help you and yours.

First, everything revolves around the center. I believe that all sides of the human psychic (mental, emotional, sexual, psychological, etc) revolve around a center. Just like the sun is the center of our solar system, our human sides all revolve around this center. Throw our sun out of kilter and our whole solar system is affected. The center and focus of US is our spirit, our soul. If the spirit is off than everything else will be off including our marriages. All our relationships, the depth and intimacy of them, flow from the center of our spirituality.

If we are having break downs in the friendship area, communication area, sexual area…hey friend, those are just the symptoms of a root problem. The question is not, “are you and your spouse getting along?” The question is, “Are you and the Lord Jesus getting along?” Just as everything in our solar system revolves around the sun, so does everything in our human makeup revolve around THE SON. Are you in God’s Word feeding your spiritual life on a daily basis? Are you and your spouse praying TOGETHER? “Families that pray together, stay together!” The depth of your passion for God will determine your compassion for those around you. Remember, Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to “love the Lord your God with all your body, mind, soul and spirit”. He said the second greatest commandment is like unto it, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. (Luke 10:27) Your spouse is your closest neighbor. If there is a problem in that relationship, than I would almost guarantee you that you have a relationship problem with the Almighty. Remember, your passion for spiritual things, almighty God, will determine your passion for those around you.
So suggestion number one is: do spiritual things together like PRAY TOGETHER.

Secondly, COMMIT YOURSELF TO YOUR SPOUSE AND TO YOUR MARRIAGE! In Bob Russell’s book, “Marriage by the Book” he writes, “Winston Churchill rallied England during WWII with the phrase, ‘wars are not won by evacuations.” Neither are marriages. Good marriages are not the result of individuals bailing out. The promises we make at the marriage altar are covenant vows before almighty God. It’s a covenant commitment that no matter what comes our way, “for better or for worse” we will be committed to each other. When we commit to love as Christ loved the church we will be faithful to each other mentally, physically and emotionally. Colossians 3:14 says, “put on love”…that’s a commandment.
Robert McQuilkin resigned as President of Columbia Bible College in March 1990 to care for his wife. His wife, Muriel, suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. In announcing his resignation he shared, “this decision was made 42 years ago when I promised to care for Muriel ‘in sickness and in health…till death do us part’. McQuilkin went on to say, “I’m a man of my word; integrity has something to do with it. But so does fairness. She has cared for me fully and sacrificially all these years; if I cared for her for the next 40 years I would not be out of debt to her…but there is more”, he said, “…I love her”.

WOW! Here is a man who kept his word. He’s my hero.
So here is suggestion Number 2.


It is my prayer that we don’t let projects put canyons between our promises.

Don’t give in. Don’t give up. AND NO COMPROMISE!

The Master is in the Audience!

Several years ago I heard the story of a young brilliant concert pianist. He was giving his first professional performance of his career. As he play skillfully and brilliantly the audience sat in rapt attention, absorbing every note. Finally at the end of a magnificient performance the audience exploded in a standing ovation. In the midst of the ovation the young pianist left the stage shoulders downcast, crest fallen and dejected.

The stage manager came to him full of congratulations and praise but the young musician remained despondent. “I am no good” the young man exclaimed. “It was a failure”. The stage manager responded, “nonsense. It was tremendous, everyone is on their feet and applauding, except for just one old man.” The young concert pianist replied, “yes, but that old man is my piano teacher.”

This story should remind us that our service to Jesus Christ is to be motivated by one factor and one factor alone; Our love for the Master and His approval. For there are many in their Christian walk, who look for and seek the approval of men and those around them. For you see society wants and measures success by power, position, prestige and numbers. They seem t say if you dress just so, drive this make of car, join the right health club, live in the right part of town, are seen by just the right people you will be considered accepted and “in”.

However, we must remember the words of Jesus. He said if there are any of us who desire to be “great” in the kingdom of God, we must become a slave, a servant to others. God is not looking for the right address, or the right clothes in the latest styles, or even the right vocabulary. God’s eyes are searching for the right heart. His eyes are moving to and fro throughout the world looking for those who want to be a servant.

Remember, in John 13 that Jesus told his disciples that if He was willing to be a servant by washing their feet that their greatest desire should be to serve one another.

Therefore, in our obedience, our worship and our service the applause and approval of men really means nothing. Only what Jesus says will be the deciding factor. Under the threat of imprisonment, the apostle Peter responds in Acts 5:29, we must obey God rather than men.”

So as we travel this highway called life under the umbrella of Christianity, we must remember that “the master is in the audience.”

So, here’s your Bible Boost for today. It comes from:

1Th 2:4 “but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who examines our hearts.”

I am praying for you and your family.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Worship: It's a life thing!

Many years ago I heard a message my Tony Campolo of Philadelphia entitled, “It’s Friday but Sunday’s a coming!” It had to do with crucifixion of Jesus on Friday but look forward to the resurrection on Sunday. Well, let us speak a little about today is Friday, but Sunday’s a coming.

Someone once said, worship is like farming. If we haven’t sown then we will fail to reap. Here’s the point. Many times we are exasperated at the seemingly lack of concern and perception that prevails through our worship times. People seem to be just going through the motions. There is lack of enthusiasm, lack of excitement or as one preacher said, “there ain’t no fire here”. Motion with no substance. People seem to be so busy, time conscious and often ritualistic to just get through “church”. We are thinking of the roast in the oven, beating the other congregation to the restaurant, catching the ballgame, etc etc etc.

Why do we want our worship assemblies to be quick and without spontaneity when we do not expect that of other activities. For instance, take football, baseball, basketball or any other sport. We thrive on the unexpected, the informal, and the up-beat enthusiasm as excitement builds and builds. I was watching a basketball game last night and the student section stood almost the entire 3 and ½ hours. Try that on Sunday morning. It seems we subscribe to the “instant worship” plan. You know like instant coffee, instant oatmeal, instant…you get the picture.

Let me clarify here a little about worship. Worship is not what we DO in a group of people on Sunday. It is what we ARE throughout the week, yes even our entire life. You don’t call a man a farmer just because he eats breakfast with a group of farmers. A farmer is marked by his entire life. The harvest is the excited, upbeat and culmination of time consuming preparation on the field, hard labor at planting the crop, making sure the weeds are eliminated, watering and fertilizing the fields. Then comes the harvest. What is sown and cared for points to the reaping.

The same is true in our look towards Sunday and our worship experiences. We will never have the harvest on Sunday if we haven’t prepared FOR IT during the week.

Hey, today is Friday, but Sunday’s a coming. Now’s the time to get ready for a great time of worship, praise and inspiration. Now’s the time to pray for the spiritual leaders. To pray for the preacher, proclaimer, pastor, priest. Now’s the time to pray for those who will be leading out during the worship assembly. Today is the day to set your sights and eyes on Sunday.

Yes, it’s Friday, but Sunday’s a coming.

Let us learn a few lessons from the farmer.

1. Preparation and planting: for our Sunday’s to be what we they need to be which is an attitude of poised in expectancy of God, we must be planting the seeds of expectation throughout the week. Worship is a lifestyle not just an activity in a building on a certain day.

2. Cultivation: Daily walks in the word of God the Bible. Weeding out those things that interfere with our hanging out with God. Making sure that there are no distractions as we prepare to meet with fellow believers in our time of worship and praise.

3. Watering and fertilizing: Can you imagine what would happen if every believer would pray and fast on Saturdays for God to really do a mighty work on Sunday. If we prayed and fasted on Saturday for our Sunday times together, our worship times would explode with joy and excitement.

So, here’s your Bible Boost for today, Hebrews 10:25, “let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the day approaching”.

I am praying for you and your family.

catch Your Bible Boost on
5:05 PM MDST Mon, Wed, Fri

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Through the eyes of Jesus!

Today’s bible boost zeros in on John chapter 13. It’s the story of Jesus and his disciples in the upper room prior to his court appearance and crucifixion. As they came into the room that fateful night the basin and towels used for washing feet were at the door. Those were items customarily in every home as a sign of hospitality. So it is logical to assume that each of the disciples saw those items. Yet, it seems equally obvious that the thought of using them personally did not enter their minds.

But, Jesus got up from the table took the basin of water and the towel and washed the feet of his disciples. The disciples couldn’t believe it. This was a job for the slave, the servant and here Jesus was taking up the basin of water and the towel. But, we remember the words of Jesus where He said, I have come to serve and not be served. (Matthew 20:28 NAS)

Virtually everything that Jesus saw He saw as a means of ministry. When He saw a boat He thought of how He could use it to teach others. When He saw a fig tree He used it to teach a lesson. When He saw a small lunch of fish and bread, He touched others by feeding them with this small lunch. When He saw a piece of money, He did not think of selfishly spending it on Himself, but as a vehicle to teach spiritual truths.

How differently do we see things? When I see a boat, or food, or money my first inclination is to think first of my own needs and wants. Many of us respond this way. How desperately we need the eyes of Jesus.

So, let’s be honest. If we saw that basin of water and towel what would come to your mind. Look around you right now. What do you see? I see books, computer, radio, microphones, desk, a building and other items to numerous to mention. Each and every one of these items could conceivably be used FOR OTHERS if I would only look at them through the eyes of Jesus.

But wait. There’s more. Jesus, also, saw people in the same constructive way. When He met the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in John 4, He did not see her as a vehicle to satisfy some selfish desire, but rather someone who could bring salvation to her self and to an entire town. The demonic man who was cured was thrilled to be cured but he wanted to follow Jesus. But, Jesus forbade him and urged him to remain where he was to serve the community where he lived. The disciples that Jesus chose for ministry were considered “unlearned and ignorant” by the elite of society. They had little to commend themselves as individuals of promise. But, Jesus saw their potential and chose them to turn the world upside town with His good news of hope and salvation. Jesus saw potential in virtually everyone.

Remember, I told you earlier of what I saw around me. The objects. But also in this building are people. Dozens. Through the eyes of Jesus I can see great potential in each and every one of them if they give Him their heart and lives.

I also believe Jesus sees great potential all of you who are listening in today. Jesus sees you with a tremendous capacity to change YOUR world if you will just look at your world through His eyes.

It is my deepest prayer that God will give each and everyone of us, THE EYES OF JESUS!

Listen to Second Corinthians 5 verse 17 “therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”.

May we see all things through the NEW eyes of Jesus.

I am praying for you.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Seek the Lord while He may be found!

Today’s Bible boost comes from the Old Testament Isaiah 55 and verse 6, “seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near.”

King Ahaz, King of Judah was at the end of his rope. He had come from a very Godly dynasty. His father Jotham, his grandfather Uzziah and his great grandfather Amaziah were among the best in the lineage of King David. Ahaz’s son Hezekiah was one of the most noted for his godly faith in the entire history of Judah.

However, King Ahaz was an unfortunate exception. II Kings 16:3 states that King Ahaz, “walked in the way of the kings of the north, and even sacrificed his son in the fire, following detestable ways of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites”.

It was at this point that God sent the prophet Isaiah to King Ahaz to beseech him to turn from his evil ways. However, instead of turning from his evil ways it did the exact opposite. He took silver and gold from the temple of Almighty God and gave it as a gift to the King of Assyria. He further prostituted his faith by going to Damascus and sending back detailed instructions on how to build a pagan altar. He was in such a rush to profane the House of God that the pagan altar was completed by the time King Ahaz returned from his journey and replaced the true altar in the temple of God.

Also, he removed the laver where the priests of God purified themselves and removed the covered entrance was intended for the Kings of Judah and prepared to accommodate the evil king of Assyria.

At his lowest point he sought help alright…but it wasn’t from God. He bankrupted his country financially, politically, and spiritually to please the king of Assyria and did nothing to please the God of heaven.

In the short term his strategy worked. Assyria came to King Ahaz’s defense and gave him temporary protection from his enemies. But in the long term the king found that Assyria was a good servant but a terrible master. The Bible says, in the end the country of Judah was brought low because of her king, King Ahaz.

Undoubtedly, many of us, like King Ahaz come to the end of our rope. It seems that the enemy has made great progress and we feel like we are on the verge of utter collapse and defeat. It seems like we are surrounded by problems, unnerving circumstances and heavy, oh so heavy, burdens.

It is at such a time as these that we must not resort to a quick fix or a short term solution. Many of our earthly solutions really offends the God of heaven. Never should we bow, scrape or sacrifice to anyone or anything but to the Lord.

There will be moments when we face fiery furnaces that it seems expedient to bow down to a golden image. There will be times when we are tempted to avoid some den of lions by neglecting our commitment to God. We dread the dark moments of despair and depression.

When we face such times hear the word of Isaiah when he was sent to prophesy to King Ahaz. Not only hear the words of Isaiah, but may we do the opposite of King Ahaz. May we hear and OBEY.

Here’s our bible boost for today. “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near.” King Ahaz refused to do so and it cost him his life and his kingdom.

I am praying for you and your family.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Be strong and courageous!

Our BIBLE BOOST comes from Joshua 1:9, “…be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

If you turn on the nightly news we are bombarded with so many stories and events that threaten our lives with fear, discouragement and outright attacks. We hear of Islamic jihadists blowing up, tearing up and threatening our peace. We hear of reports of the “axis of evil” with North Korea launching rockets, Iran developing tactical nuclear weapons, China blowing up satellites in space and of course Russia flexing her muscles by signing treaties with Iran, Syria, Cuba, and Venezuela.
On the home front, robberies, murders, kidnappings, and of course the drug border wars.

As it seems our world is spinning out of control. Maybe even in your personal walk things seem to be discouraging and disappointing. Maybe you feel like the storm winds are ready to blow you over. I heard a story recently that should help us and calm our fears.

It seems that a farmer who owned land along the Atlantic seacoast, advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work farms along the Atlantic because of the dreadful and fierce storms that raged, wreaking havoc on the buildings and crops. Finally the farmer found a short, thin man well past middle age who applied for the job.

The farmer asked the applicant. “Are you a good farm hand?” “Well” answered the old thin man, “I can sleep when the wind blows”. Although puzzled by the answer the farmer hired the man. He was a great worker. Busy from dawn till dusk and the farmer felt really satisfied with his work. Then one night the wind howled loudly from offshore with a fierce storm approaching. Jumping out of bed the farmer grabbed a lantern and rushed to the door and over to the hired hand’s sleeping quarters. He shook the little man and yelled, “Get up! A storm is coming! Tie down things before they blow away.” The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, “No sir, I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.”

Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire the hired hand right on the spot. But instead, he hurried outside to prepare for the storm. To his amazement, he discovered that all the haystacks were covered with tarpaulins. The cows were in the barn, the chickens were in the coops and the doors were barred. The shutters were tightly secured. Everything was tied down. Nothing would blow away. Then the farmer realized what the hired hand had meant. He understood. So he returned to bed to also sleep while the wind blew.

So, here’s the question for us today. How can we have peace when the storms of life are raging all around? How can we sleep when it seems the storms of life are blowing us over? Well, my friend, verse after verse from God’s word reassures us that He is in control. As we have heard so many times…don’t ask for God to calm the storm in your life, rather ask God to calm our lives in the midst of the storm.

I believe when God tells us something one time that we should hear and obey. But when God tells us something 3 times we can count on it. Well, 3 times in Joshua 1:6 thru 9 that God tells Joshua to BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS. 3 TIMES. Do you why God told Joshua to be strong and courageous and basically to “sleep while the wind blows.”

Because God said, “For I will be with you wherever you go”. No matte what is going on in your life hear the words of our Lord God as

YOUR BIBLE BOOST FOR TODAY, Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged. FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD WILL BE WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO.

I am praying for you and your family.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Are you READY?

In our Thursday night Men’s Bible Study in Edgewood we have been focusing on the little letter of Amos in the Old Testament. The blunt and outspoken Amos was not a professional prophet. He was a sheep herder and a horticulturist who took care of sycamore trees. Yet, while he was tending the sheep the Lord spoke to him to go prophesy to the people of the northern kingdom, Israel.

The lifestyles of the people of Israel were a stench unto God. They had not one leader that was good or obeyed the Lord God throughout their entire history. They achieved their prosperity at the expense of others. The sold the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of shoes. They trampled impoverished people into the dust. A man and his father would share the same girl in bed and thus profane God’s name. Nothing religious was considered sacred. They lived in mansions and had both summer and winter homes. They reclined in beds of ivory and sang their own special music. They rubbed their soft bodies with special cosmetic preparations. The feasted on gourmet foods, and drank wine from goblets. But not once did they consider God or his laws. And because of this the judgment of God was about to fall upon them.

Amos 3:7 says that God will always give a warning before judgment, “surely the sovereign Lord will do nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Not only did God send Amos warning the people of Israel of the judgments to come, He also sent a series of “natural disasters” to sound the alarm and tries to get the attention of the Israelites. He gave them drought, famine, pestilence, and plagues. He overthrew some of their cities like Sodom and Gomorrah. Yet, they refused to repent and change their ways. They stared down at the dust of the drought and said “tough luck” when they should have looked to heaven and seen the “tough love” of God. As always, those who WILL NOT see are worse than those who cannot see. Their problems were not to be compared with the problems they were about to have. SO, Amos cried out with OUR BIBLE BOOST for today. It’s found in Amos 4:12, “prepare to meet your God, O Israel.”

The message of Amos is tailored made for you and me and for America. You know we are prepared for just about everything but meeting God. We prepare for school, graduation, work, vacations, retirement, and even our funerals and burials. But even though we have made all these preparations when have not prepared to heed the call of Amos, “prepare to meet your God”. The poet puts it this way:

When the great plants of our cities
Have turned out their last finished work.
When the merchants have sold their last yard of silk
And dismissed their last hard clerk
When the banks have raked in their last dollar
And paid out their last dividend
When the judge of the earth calls…closed for the night.
And asks for the balance…WHAT THEN!

Remember, Amos 4:12, "Prepare to meet your God..."
Are you ready?

I am praying for you and your family,

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Don't forget to assemble!

Our Bible Boost for today comes from the New Testament Book of Hebrews, chapter 10 and verse 25. “Not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.”

Have you ever grilled with those charcoal briquettes? You know, you piled all the briquettes in a huge heap. They are cold and dark until you put lighter fluid on them or use a charcoal starter to heat up the briquettes. Then after a period of time the briquettes begin to turn white hot. Then you take the briquettes and spread them around to spread out the heat. But you keep them close to each other so that they don’t lose their heat. Keeping those briquettes close together allows them to retain their heat because they are close to each other.

You know sometimes we are just like those briquettes. We drift away from attending church and fellowshipping with others and we become dark in our moods and cold in our relationships. So we need a little fire starter in our lives. Attending a Bible believing, Bible teaching and Bible preaching congregation will help light our spiritual fires. We may feel like we are all alone, bills piling up, nobody cares, trying to solve our problems all by ourselves and it just seems like we are swamped with the events of every day life. Well, friends, being with individuals at a Bible believing, Bible teaching and preaching congregation can help steady the load in our lives.

Do you know that there are 35 One Another’s Mentioned in the Bible. One Another’s like “love one another”, “pray for one another”, “bear one another’s burdens”, “and honor one another”. WOW! Can you believe it? 35 of those. We need each other. Not only do we need the Lord Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father and His blessed Holy Spirit but we need each other.

Remember those briquettes I was talking about earlier. What happens when you move one of those white hot briquettes away from the others? YEP! You are right. The white hot briquette turns black and becomes cold. Same thing happens to us in our spiritual journey. When we stop hanging out with fellow believers we become cold and we lose our fire for the Lord. The Bible says in Proverbs 27:17, “as iron sharpens iron so does one man sharpen another.” We need each other to encourage one another, hold each other accountable and to support one another.

So, don’t forget our bible boost for today comes from the New Testament Book of Hebrews, chapter 10 and verse 25. “Not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.”

I am praying for you and your family.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Run the race with endurance!

Our Bible boost today centers around verses found in Hebrews 12:1-2, “let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

I have a friend who is an “ultra marathoner”. I never knew there was such a thing until he ask me to go a “run” with him. Now you have to understand. I’m not a real runner, I’m not even a jogger, I am more of a plodder. I just plod along at my standard pace, getting exhausted and sweaty, but not trying to knock off my heart in one run.

Well, an ultra marathoner is one who goes on a run for 50, 100, 150 miles. Do you know what that means. He doesn’t run from block to block he runs city to city.

Here’s my point today. When we would go on runs called races there were always people along the way who would come out to the curb and cheer. That’s right. They would cheer us on. As we ran along we heard words of encouragement like, “you can do”, “not much farther”, “you’re looking strong”, “you are almost there”.

Even my friend who is ultra marathoner would leave me far behind on these “runs”. But as I was just getting to the half way point those gazelles of super athletes would come back us plodders and run along side of us to encourage us as we plodded to the finish line.

Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that so easily trips us up. AND, let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith”.

There you have it. We are on a spiritual journey in this life. We need encouragement to help us stay the course and remain faithful. Much like those folks who came out from their houses to cheer us on as we ran our 5-K’s, 10 K’s, we need to cheer each other on, fellow companions in this race called life.

I can’t tell you how many times when I felt down or discouraged that someone would come along side me and give me an encouraging word by a telephone call, a letter or a up beat cheery card in the mail. WOW! What a great pick me up. I was truly blessed but more importantly I was encouraged to continue on in this journey called life.

Look around. There are many folks all around us who are running with us. Let us be an encouragement to them. So may I come along side you today and remind you of the words of Hebrews 12:2, “let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”

Don't give in. Don't give up and NO COMPROMISE!

I am praying for you and your family,

Monday, March 9, 2009

God or Man?

Today’s Bible boost asks the question; are we pleasing God or pleasing people. Ever notice how most politicians feel that pleasing people is the key to getting elected. Focus groups and lobbyist provide information about what the people want, and if they don’t give it to them, somebody else will. It is not uncommon for politicians to change their “convictions” upon election. However, those who study God’s Word, the Bible, even in politics God rules in the kingdoms of men and allows and appoints those who are in those governmental positions.

Paul in Galatians 1:10, states, “obviously, I am not trying to win the approval of people but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be a servant of Jesus Christ.”

Paul faced tremendous pressure to change his message, to go along with tradition and even to change the entire gospel of Jesus Christ. But he didn’t. As Paul made mention, if we seek to please men, we are not the servants of Jesus Christ.

Our focus needs to be on eternity for the souls of men. Our focus needs to be on obeying God’s Word in the here and now. It is not foolish to give up things we cannot keep, to gain things we cannot lost.

Here are some questions for you: Should Noah have taken a poll before building the ark? Should Moses have given the people a ballot to vote for God or for the golden calf? How about Daniel and his Jewish friends? Should they have taken a survey among all the captives to see whether they should obey the king’s servant or God’s instructions? It’s absurd to believe that Jesus should have asked for a show of hands about whether to go to Jerusalem to die? Of course, the popular opinion among the disciples was, “don’t go”. But he steadfastly turned his face to Jerusalem to accomplish the task of going to the cross, bleeding and dying for our sins.

Abraham Lincoln was once asked if he felt that God was on his side and the side of the north on the slavery issue. Lincoln correctly responded that he was not concerned whether God was on his side, but he was overly concerned that he was on God’s side.

It seems that we are more concerned about being politically correct than in being God correct.

Do you remember when Peter and the apostles were arrested and thrown in prison in Acts 5? Their crime. Of course, for healing the sick, the afflicted and preaching about salvation in no other name but Jesus Christ. They were given strict orders to not preach in the name of Jesus Christ or tell how he died. Here’s Peter and the apostles respond to this charge. They said, “we must obey God rather than men.”

So my friends in a world that seems to only want to hear things that are “politically correct” it would behoove us to remember the words of Peter and the apostles which is our Bible Boost for today…

Acts 5:29, “We must obey God rather men!”

I am praying for you and your family,

Friday, March 6, 2009

Our Strength? The joy of the Lord!

You have probably heard the phrase, “inquiring minds want to know”. Well the answer to that statement is our bible boost for today. In the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament Nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 10 we hear these words for God’s people, Go eat of the fat, drink of the sweet and send portions to him who has nothing prepared, for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, FOR THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH.” To appreciate that statement we have to understand a few things.

Remember now, the children of Israel had been in captivity in Babylon for 70 years. There were 3 major times when people returned to their homeland and Jerusalem. The first time was in 536 B.C. under Zerabbabel when 0ver 42,000 returned. Ezra led a group in 457 B.C.

By the time Nehemiah arrives in 444 B.C., almost 100 years had passed and still the walls of Jerusalem lay in shambles. It is incredible, and almost miraculous to discover in the book of Nehemiah that under his leadership those walls were rebuilt in only 52 days according to Nehemiah 6:15.

So, the inquiring mind will naturally want to ask, “What happened?” What inspired these people who for decades had done nothing to all of a sudden come alive with ambition and energy? We probably can answer that completely beyond our finite minds, but we can make some observations in light of what we read in Nehemiah.

We can see where after the wall was completed that Nehemiah and Ezra gathered the people together for a study of God’s Word and a time of reflection and rejoicing. It was in this context that the people were told to quit mourning and weeping. Instead they were told to have a banquet and eat and drink. They were to share their exuberance with those who had nothing.

For generations these people had been beaten down and oppressed. Seventy long years of captivity had given them a slave mentality. Though they had now been free for almost 100 years they still had not escaped the atmosphere of failure and oppression.

Then one day a dream was born in the mind of a man who was the cupbearer to the King, Nehemiah. Nehemiah surveyed the city of Jerusalem and a plan emerged which would turn shambles into a citadel of strength. His optimism was contagious. Soon the men who had shown no imitative or will now were busy about God’s business.
Nehemiah said the people had a mind to work. And work they did. Rebuilding the walls in 52 days.

You know friends, we can look around us and feel beaten down, oppressed with all the national and international events that trouble our minds. Lack of jobs, tumbling economy, threat of nuclear war, and strained relations between countries troubles us. Maybe, we even have strained relations at home or at work.

But, let us remember how the people of Nehemiah triumphed. “The Joy of The Lord was their strength.” Finding strength in the Lord help them accomplish more in 52 days than what their ancestors had accomplished in 52 years.

So, remember our bible boost for today is from Nehemiah 8 verse 10. “The joy of the Lord is our strength.”

I am praying for you and your family,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Praying for our Nation and her Leaders

Prayer is an important part of every Christians walk. Especially, when there are activities and legislation that goes against what is morally right and many times a direct violation of God’s Word. In fact, God’s Word gives us a COMMAND to pray for our leaders and those in authority. (I Timothy 2:1)

However, I believe II Chronicles 7:14 is the key verse in our prayer efforts for ourselves and for our nation. In order to affect our culture in a positive and Biblical way we must begin with ourselves. You’ll notice that God says, “if MY people who are call by my name will humble themselves and pray”. He’s talking to believers those who have a relationship with the Father. So we can’t expect the non-believers, non-followers to present their case before God the Father.

The call is for believers to seek God’s face, repent and turn from OUR evil ways. As believers we come to God to confess our sins (He already knows them, we are just agreeing with Him as to what we have done to strain the relationship). We acknowledge our sins, the sins of our families and the sins of our country.

Remember, Nehemiah’s prayer in Nehemiah 1:6b-7, “I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my Father’s house has committed against you. We have acted very wickedly against you. We have not obeyed commandments, decrees and laws your servant Moses gave us.”

So the call to prayer begins with each one of us individually. The nation cannot be what our communities are not. The nation cannot be what our families are not. The nation cannot be what I am not. The prayer seeking divine intervention begins with me and my house. Each family tuned in to our failures, sins, apathy and complacence. Bringing God to bear upon the culture starts with me. It is an individual issue.

BUT, see the promise that God gives in II Chronicles 7:14, “then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and HEAL their land”. This is one of God’s numerous “if – then” statements. IF we humble ourselves, pray, repent and confess THEN God will hear, forgive and heal.

So, the prayer effort must begin with ME and then we encourage others in our household, family, and community to unite together to “humble ourselves, pray, repent and confess”. When is the last time that we united our neighborhood, congregation, community just to meet to PRAY. It must begin with ME.

The call is not, “if we agree with the president we’ll pray for him”, the call, yea the commandment, is to PRAY for him no matter what the circumstances. Remember, when Paul wrote the words to Timothy that they were under a slave, dictatorial society ruled by Rome. Yet, Paul admonishes Timothy to “pray for all those in authority”.

So, dear friends, let us bring together our families, congregations, friends, and community to fast and pray for healing in our land. God is faithful and God keeps His promises. HE WILL HEAL OUR LAND IF…

I am praying for you and your family,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Our Bible boost for today is the word, STEADFAST. The dictionary defines steadfast as “firmly fixed in place or unwavering”. It comes from to words, sted which means place and fast which means “held tight or fixed”.

I have chosen this word because of the scriptures that tell us that when we stand for that which is Biblical and do the right thing we WILL have trouble and be persecuted. Jesus says in John 15:20, “remember, the word that I said to you, a slave is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” For those who stand for right, truth and righteousness Jesus says THERE WILL BE PERSECUTION.

I recently returned from a Mission trip to India. Persecution is very real there. Preachers are having their homes destroyed, their churches burned and members of their congregations scattered into the jungles with no food and little water because of their stand for the Lord Jesus Christ and Christianity.

One evangelist from India told me that his wife was raped by eight men while they made him watch. Another evangelist told me that he and his wife were riding their motorcycle on their way to a doctor for her when 6 other motorcycles carrying several men cut in front of them. Both the evangelist and his wife were beaten severely. The pastor was beaten so badly that he was in a coma for 2 days. When he awoke from his coma in ICU his uncle was sitting at the foot of the bed. The uncle told the beaten pastor that his wife was beaten so savagely that she died and they had her funeral that morning while the pastor was in a coma.

Jesus said, “there will be persecution”. Just in the pass couple weeks a California pro-life counselor and Pastor, Walter Hoye received a jail term for peaceful work outside an abortion clinic to try to save the lives of unborn babies.
Hoye was found guilty of violating a local ordinance that dictates that he must stay at least eight feet away from anyone entering the clinic. He was found guilty, even though video demonstrated that he did not violate the law. Hoye was ordered to jail for 30 days, fined $1,130, and placed on probation for three years.
Have you heard about the Philadelphia eleven? 11 Philadelphia-area Christians were arrested after peacefully protesting a homosexual event called Outfest on a public sidewalk.
Eight charges were filed against them, including three felonies and five misdemeanors. The charges were: criminal conspiracy, possession of instruments of crime, reckless endangerment of another person, ethnic intimidation, riot, failure to disperse, disorderly conduct, and obstructing highways. The judge referred back to Defense Attorney Scott Shields' reference to William Penn, the Founder of Philadelphia who came to America to escape religious persecution, saying that "here, of all places" the right of free speech had to be protected.
Thankfully a clear headed judge threw out the case against the 11.
So, here’s our bible boost for today. It comes from I Corinthians 15:58, “therefore, my dear friends, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is NOT IN VAIN IN THE LORD”.

Before you open your Bible: PRAY!

5 Prayers befofre you open your Bible: 1. Ps 119:130 Break open your word within me until revelation-light shines out! Those with open hea...