Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Praying for our Nation and her Leaders

Prayer is an important part of every Christians walk. Especially, when there are activities and legislation that goes against what is morally right and many times a direct violation of God’s Word. In fact, God’s Word gives us a COMMAND to pray for our leaders and those in authority. (I Timothy 2:1)

However, I believe II Chronicles 7:14 is the key verse in our prayer efforts for ourselves and for our nation. In order to affect our culture in a positive and Biblical way we must begin with ourselves. You’ll notice that God says, “if MY people who are call by my name will humble themselves and pray”. He’s talking to believers those who have a relationship with the Father. So we can’t expect the non-believers, non-followers to present their case before God the Father.

The call is for believers to seek God’s face, repent and turn from OUR evil ways. As believers we come to God to confess our sins (He already knows them, we are just agreeing with Him as to what we have done to strain the relationship). We acknowledge our sins, the sins of our families and the sins of our country.

Remember, Nehemiah’s prayer in Nehemiah 1:6b-7, “I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my Father’s house has committed against you. We have acted very wickedly against you. We have not obeyed commandments, decrees and laws your servant Moses gave us.”

So the call to prayer begins with each one of us individually. The nation cannot be what our communities are not. The nation cannot be what our families are not. The nation cannot be what I am not. The prayer seeking divine intervention begins with me and my house. Each family tuned in to our failures, sins, apathy and complacence. Bringing God to bear upon the culture starts with me. It is an individual issue.

BUT, see the promise that God gives in II Chronicles 7:14, “then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and HEAL their land”. This is one of God’s numerous “if – then” statements. IF we humble ourselves, pray, repent and confess THEN God will hear, forgive and heal.

So, the prayer effort must begin with ME and then we encourage others in our household, family, and community to unite together to “humble ourselves, pray, repent and confess”. When is the last time that we united our neighborhood, congregation, community just to meet to PRAY. It must begin with ME.

The call is not, “if we agree with the president we’ll pray for him”, the call, yea the commandment, is to PRAY for him no matter what the circumstances. Remember, when Paul wrote the words to Timothy that they were under a slave, dictatorial society ruled by Rome. Yet, Paul admonishes Timothy to “pray for all those in authority”.

So, dear friends, let us bring together our families, congregations, friends, and community to fast and pray for healing in our land. God is faithful and God keeps His promises. HE WILL HEAL OUR LAND IF…

I am praying for you and your family,

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