Friday, March 27, 2009

Worship: It's a life thing!

Many years ago I heard a message my Tony Campolo of Philadelphia entitled, “It’s Friday but Sunday’s a coming!” It had to do with crucifixion of Jesus on Friday but look forward to the resurrection on Sunday. Well, let us speak a little about today is Friday, but Sunday’s a coming.

Someone once said, worship is like farming. If we haven’t sown then we will fail to reap. Here’s the point. Many times we are exasperated at the seemingly lack of concern and perception that prevails through our worship times. People seem to be just going through the motions. There is lack of enthusiasm, lack of excitement or as one preacher said, “there ain’t no fire here”. Motion with no substance. People seem to be so busy, time conscious and often ritualistic to just get through “church”. We are thinking of the roast in the oven, beating the other congregation to the restaurant, catching the ballgame, etc etc etc.

Why do we want our worship assemblies to be quick and without spontaneity when we do not expect that of other activities. For instance, take football, baseball, basketball or any other sport. We thrive on the unexpected, the informal, and the up-beat enthusiasm as excitement builds and builds. I was watching a basketball game last night and the student section stood almost the entire 3 and ½ hours. Try that on Sunday morning. It seems we subscribe to the “instant worship” plan. You know like instant coffee, instant oatmeal, instant…you get the picture.

Let me clarify here a little about worship. Worship is not what we DO in a group of people on Sunday. It is what we ARE throughout the week, yes even our entire life. You don’t call a man a farmer just because he eats breakfast with a group of farmers. A farmer is marked by his entire life. The harvest is the excited, upbeat and culmination of time consuming preparation on the field, hard labor at planting the crop, making sure the weeds are eliminated, watering and fertilizing the fields. Then comes the harvest. What is sown and cared for points to the reaping.

The same is true in our look towards Sunday and our worship experiences. We will never have the harvest on Sunday if we haven’t prepared FOR IT during the week.

Hey, today is Friday, but Sunday’s a coming. Now’s the time to get ready for a great time of worship, praise and inspiration. Now’s the time to pray for the spiritual leaders. To pray for the preacher, proclaimer, pastor, priest. Now’s the time to pray for those who will be leading out during the worship assembly. Today is the day to set your sights and eyes on Sunday.

Yes, it’s Friday, but Sunday’s a coming.

Let us learn a few lessons from the farmer.

1. Preparation and planting: for our Sunday’s to be what we they need to be which is an attitude of poised in expectancy of God, we must be planting the seeds of expectation throughout the week. Worship is a lifestyle not just an activity in a building on a certain day.

2. Cultivation: Daily walks in the word of God the Bible. Weeding out those things that interfere with our hanging out with God. Making sure that there are no distractions as we prepare to meet with fellow believers in our time of worship and praise.

3. Watering and fertilizing: Can you imagine what would happen if every believer would pray and fast on Saturdays for God to really do a mighty work on Sunday. If we prayed and fasted on Saturday for our Sunday times together, our worship times would explode with joy and excitement.

So, here’s your Bible Boost for today, Hebrews 10:25, “let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the day approaching”.

I am praying for you and your family.

catch Your Bible Boost on
5:05 PM MDST Mon, Wed, Fri

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